Creating brands that

Click people to action

How can we help you grow?

"Nexiix Marketing is committed to fostering significant and impactful relationships between our clients and their customers."

Our targeted ad campaigns on Facebook and Google maximize reach and engagement, leveraging data-driven strategies to connect with the right audience at the right time. Meanwhile, our custom website designs are optimized for both aesthetics and functionality, providing a seamless user experience that enhances customer satisfaction and drives conversions. Through a combination of precise advertising and exceptional web design, we ensure our clients achieve their marketing goals and grow their businesses.

Our story

Nexiix Marketing was founded in 2017 by two college friends who had just successfully exited a thriving eCommerce business. Through this venture, they discovered the transformative power of strategic marketing, realizing that with the right approach, anything was possible. Recognizing the potential to help other businesses succeed, they brought on a third partner and initially focused on supporting small businesses in the Morris County area.

In their first year, their dedication and innovative strategies led to rapid growth, reaching their 100th client. This milestone prompted them to open an office in the heart of Morristown, New Jersey, marking a significant step in their journey. As the company continued to expand, Chris Rivera bought out the two original partners, becoming the CEO. Under his leadership, Nexiix Marketing flourished, growing to over 20 employees and relocating to a larger office in Montville, New Jersey.

Read the full story

What can we help you with?


  • Keyword Research: Identify high-traffic keywords relevant to your business.
  • On-Page Optimization: Enhance meta tags, headers, and content for better rankings.
  • Technical SEO: Fix site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawl errors.
  • Content Creation: Develop quality content that targets key phrases.
  • Link Building: Acquire high-quality backlinks to boost credibility.
  • Local SEO: Optimize for local searches and manage Google My Business.
  • Competitive Analysis: Identify gaps and opportunities from competitors.
  • Analytics Reporting: Provide insights on traffic, rankings, and conversions.
  • User Experience: Improve site usability and navigation.
  • Continuous Adjustment: Monitor and adjust strategies for ongoing improvement.


  • Google Ads Management: Create and optimize search and display ad campaigns for maximum ROI.
  • YouTube Ads: Develop engaging video ads to reach and convert your target audience.
  • Facebook Ads: Design and manage targeted ad campaigns to drive engagement and sales.
  • TikTok Ads: Produce creative and compelling ads tailored for TikTok’s unique audience.
  • Billboard Advertising: Plan and execute impactful billboard campaigns in strategic locations.
  • Target Audience Research: Identify and reach the right audience across various platforms.
  • Ad Design: Craft visually appealing and effective ad creatives.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor ad performance and provide detailed analytics and reports.
  • Budget Management: Allocate and optimize ad spend to ensure cost-effective results.
  • Continuous Optimization: Adjust and refine ad strategies based on performance data.


  • Custom Website Development: Create tailored websites that align with your brand and goals.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website looks great and functions well on all devices.
  • User Experience (UX) Optimization: Improve site navigation and usability for a seamless visitor experience.
  • Visual Design: Design visually appealing layouts that reflect your brand identity.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Implement easy-to-use CMS platforms for content updates.
  • E-commerce Integration: Set up and optimize online stores for smooth transactions.
  • SEO Integration: Incorporate SEO best practices to enhance search engine visibility.
  • Analytics Integration: Integrate analytics tools to track visitor behavior and site performance.
  • Security Features: Implement robust security measures to protect user data.
  • Maintenance and Support: Provide ongoing maintenance and support to keep your website running smoothly.


  • Social Media Strategy Development: Craft customized social media strategies aligned with business goals.
  • Content Creation: Create engaging and relevant content tailored for each platform.
  • Community Management: Monitor and engage with your audience to build relationships and loyalty.
  • Paid Social Advertising: Design and manage targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Social Listening: Monitor conversations to understand audience sentiment and trends.
  • Influencer Marketing: Identify and collaborate with influencers to amplify your brand reach.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Provide insights on social media performance metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions.
  • Platform Optimization: Optimize profiles and pages for maximum visibility and engagement.
  • Campaign Tracking: Track and analyze the effectiveness of social media campaigns.
  • Trend Monitoring: Stay updated on social media trends and adapt strategies accordingly.

Apply to become a client

Unlike many agencies, Nexiix does not accept just any client. We prioritize ensuring that we can genuinely assist you in achieving your goals. That's why becoming a Nexiix client requires an application process.

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